The Role of Virtual Reconnaissance in StEER Missions
A StEER Training Event
This event on Friday, January 17, 2020 will introduce the role of Virtual Assessment Structural Teams (VASTs) in StEER responses to earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis, with hands on-training in our Data Enrichment and Quality Control Processes. VASTs offer an excellent opportunity to gain cross-hazard experience in reconnaissance efforts, contribute to official StEER publications, and build your capacity to conduct field reconnaissance with StEER in the future.
All participants are asked to formally join StEER prior to the event. Approximately one week before the event, registrants will receive additional instructions/invitations to training sets in the Fulcrum mobile app used for door-to-door damage assessments.
The event will offer participants the opportunity to work with training data in real time; attendees are asked to bring a laptop.
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
The training event will be held at the Faculty Club on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley (see Interactive Campus Map) in in the Heyns room on the ground floor (see floorplan). Dinner will be provided.
Those with allergies/dietary restrictions are encouraged to arrive promptly at 5:30 pm to ensure sufficient quantities of vegetarian and dairy/gluten-free options. The buffet does not feature pork, shellfish or nuts.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Click on Commentary button to share feedback, ideas or concerns in real-time
Click on Notes to access scribe notes for the closing discussion
Additional resources are provided for reference.
Location: Heyns
Assistants: Omar Issa, Fan Hu
Description: Attendees are invited to check-in for the event and enjoy dinner
Dinner buffet provided
Location: Heyns
Facilitators: Tracy Kijewski-Correa, David Roueche, Ian Robertson
Scribe: Fan Hu
Role of VASTS in StEER
DE/QC Workflow
Hands-On Breakout Activity
Barriers/Opportunity Discussion