Contact us
Queries &
Member Services
Members or potential members with general queries about operations, member services, or event responses, please email StEER's administrative account: admin@steer.network.
While StEER is a distributed network with nodes worldwide, the lead institution managing this NSF award and serving as the Coordinating Node serves as the contact for official business including legal and financial matters:
Attention: Tracy Kijewski-Correa
University of Notre Dame
3150 Jenkins Nanovic Halls
Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA
Office: 574-631-2980
Mobile: 574-220-3679
Email: tkijewsk@nd.edu
To join StEER, which is the best way to stay connected with StEER activities, please visit our Membership Page and complete the Membership Application.
Receiving Updates
Currently StEER issues email communications only to its members. However, anyone can monitor the #steer slack channel at DesignSafe for updates on event responses, report releases and other StEER activities. Please see our Membership Page to learn how to set up your DesignSafe account to access Slack. Also monitor our News page for the latest StEER happenings.
To contact a member of our leadership team directly, please use their institutional email or phone number.

Mohammad S. Alam
Associate Director for Coastal Hazards
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
(808) 956-9652

David Prevatt
Associate Director for Wind Hazards
University of Florida
(352) 392-9537 Ext. 1495

David Roueche
Associate Director for Data Standards
Auburn University
(334) 844-6256

Khalid Mosalam
Associate Director for Seismic Hazards
University of California, Berkeley
(510) 375-9271