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DEQC Handbook: Earthquakes


This document assembles guidance and instructions to support StEER members participating in Virtual Assessment Structural Teams (VASTs) and should be at minimum reviewed by all Level 1 StEER members, as participation in VASTs is the primary mechanism by which StEER members elevate to Level 2 status eligible to deploy to conduct field assessments. This document specifically establishes a Data Enrichment and Quality Control (DE/QC) process for individual building damage assessment forms (DAFs) logged through the Fulcrum app by Field Assessment Structural Teams (FASTs) assessing windstorm-induced impacts on the built environment. This handbook and other materials to support VASTs in this and other functions within StEER are archived in the Resources folder on the StEER Members Google Drive. In addition to this document, StEER will be releasing online modules and conducting webinars to assist in training VAST members. These will be available at


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. CMMI 1841667 and 2103550. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of StEER and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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