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Attribution Guidelines

While StEER appreciates acknowledgements whenever its data is used, StEER encourages formal citations of its published products as a matter of best practice in data re-use, using the following attribution guidance:


1. Citing Written Products

Reference to the analyses, discussions, or recommendations within any StEER written product should be cited using the full citation information and DOI from DesignSafe, e.g., 


Roueche, D., Bagheri Jeddi, A., Do, T., Prevatt, D. Alam, M. (2022) "Texas and Louisiana March 2022 Tornado Outbreak Event Briefing", in StEER - 21-22 March 2022 Tornado Outbreak. DesignSafe-CI. v1


2.  Citing Data or Data Derivatives:​

The use of StEER data to conduct additional analyses or prepare various visualizations or data derivatives should be cited as follows: ​​​​


a. Data from a published StEER Dataset should use the Dataset's full citation information and DOI from DesignSafe, e.g., 


Gutierrez Soto, M., T. Do, S. Kameshwar, D. Allen, F. Lombardo, D. Roueche, G. Demaree, G. Escoto Rodriguez, D. LaDue, A. Palacio-Betancur, A. Safiey, G. Chen, J. Nakayama, D. Roegner, T. Kijewski-Correa, M. Aldridge, H. Bartels, A. Golson, F. Harris, J. Holt, C. Stevens, (2023) "21-22 March 2022 Tornado Outbreak Field Assessment Structural Team Dataset", in StEER - 21-22 March 2022 Tornado Outbreak. DesignSafe-CI. v1


If a specific Fulcrum record in a published dataset needs to be cited, it can be referenced by the Record ID in Fulcrum, e.g., 6eb25982-bb05-4f72-9e69-c3f1213ddd08


b. However, StEER damage assessments are available in near real time, even before they complete the Data Enrichment and Quality Control Process. When such unpublished data is used in whole or part, the following citation practices are encouraged:


If a dataset associated with a given event in Fulcrum needs to be cited, do so as follows: 


StEER (Year) "Project Name," in NSF Structural Extreme Events Reconnaissance (StEER) Network, App Name,, Captured: Year-Month-Date (Use Fulcrum fields “Project” and "Device Created" and use the name of the App in Fulcrum, e.g., StEER Rapid Response (M7.2 Haiti EQ - Aug 2021).


If a specific Fulcrum record needs to be cited, do so as follows: 


Last Name, First Initial (Year) "Record ID," in NSF Structural Extreme Events Reconnaissance (StEER) Network, App Name,, Captured: Year-Month-Date (Use Fulcrum fields "Created By," "Device Created," and "Record ID" and use the name of the App in Fulcrum, e.g., StEER Rapid Response (M7.2 Haiti EQ - Aug 2021).



3. Citing Images: 

The citing of images in StEER written products or datasets should always attribute the image back to the original source.


a. Images in written products like the PVRR are often taken from public sources. Each figure caption specifies the source; re-use of the image should cite that source directly. Note that public sources might still have copyright issues and depending on the use case, the user may need to secure additional permissions/rights from the original copyright owner.


b. Images in Early Access Reconnaissance Reports (EARRs) are generally acquired by StEER members. Thus it is appropriate to use the EARR's full citation information and DOI from DesignSafe. At times, an EARR will include a third-party image from public sources. This will be clear from the identification of that source in the caption, in which case the original source should be cited (see above).


c. Images from StEER Dataset should similarly use the Dataset's full citation information and DOI from DesignSafe, e.g., 


Gutierrez Soto, M., T. Do, S. Kameshwar, D. Allen, F. Lombardo, D. Roueche, G. Demaree, G. Escoto Rodriguez, D. LaDue, A. Palacio-Betancur, A. Safiey, G. Chen, J. Nakayama, D. Roegner, T. Kijewski-Correa, M. Aldridge, H. Bartels, A. Golson, F. Harris, J. Holt, C. Stevens, (2023) "21-22 March 2022 Tornado Outbreak Field Assessment Structural Team Dataset", in StEER - 21-22 March 2022 Tornado Outbreak. DesignSafe-CI. v1


d. If the Dataset is not yet published and imagery is being directly extracted from the data platform such as Fulcrum or Mapillary, it can be cited as: 


Image taken from a specific Fulcrum record should be cited as follows: 


Last Name, First Initial (Year) "Record ID," in NSF Structural Extreme Events Reconnaissance (StEER) Network, App Name,, Captured: Year-Month-Date (Use Fulcrum fields "Created By," "Device Created," and "Record ID" and use the name of the App in Fulcrum, e.g., StEER Rapid Response (M7.2 Haiti EQ - Aug 2021).


Image taken from Mapillary, HazMapper or other website hosting StEER data should be cited as:


StEER (Year) "Page Name," Platform if applicable, Coordinates if applicable, URL.


Example: StEER (Year) "Hurricane Ian Street View Comparison,” 26.441789 -82.035524,


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. CMMI 1841667 and 2103550. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of StEER and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

© 2018-2024 by StEER Network

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